SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs


LINKED IMAGES BY AnAnomalousWriter and Luxaiko. [CC BY-SA 3.0]

The voice of the Database was provided by Joshua Alan Lindsay.

Item #: SCP-122

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: Under no circumstances is SCP-122 to enter an unpowered state. At least one redundant failsafe power system is to be installed in order to maintain power to the object in the event of power outages. Regular maintenance is also to be conducted on SCP-122 at the discretion of the head researcher in order to reduce flickering. A security camera is to be installed within the room in which the anomaly is placed so as to regularly monitor the occurrence of flickering within the object.

Due to its utility and importance in contributing to the psychological assistance efforts of Site-135, SCP-122 is to be used on a daily basis, with SCP-122-1 (currently Anna Talinn) being given normal humanoid accommodations within the SCP-122 containment cell at the discretion of the incumbent head researcher. Should the current SCP-122-1 subject become unfit for use with the object, a new SCP-122-1 subject must be procured as soon as is feasible.

Description: SCP-122 is a plastic night light in the shape of a star, thought to have been manufactured between 1960 and 1980.

When in a powered state, SCP-122 has been reported to be able to exude a sense of calmness, comfort, and safety to those within a roughly 20-kilometer radius. As such, it has been known to alleviate symptoms of currently prevailing psychological conditions in subjects.

Examples of these psychological conditions include:

  • Psychological Stress

  • Paranoia

  • Phobias

  • Anxiety

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

However, these alleviating effects are only present when SCP-122 is within the same room as a child under the age of 14 who subscribes to the beliefs of traditional Abrahamic religions. (Note that the reasons for this specification are currently unknown, though a link may be established between this fact and previous descriptions of SCP-122-2 as an "angel".) This aforementioned child subject, referred to henceforth as SCP-122-1, is currently seven-year-old Anna Talinn, who was procured into Foundation custody in 2017. When in SCP-122’s containment cell, SCP-122-1 has reported sightings of an “angel”, henceforth referred to as SCP-122-2, in her dreams (Refer to SCP-122 use records for further information regarding SCP-122-2).

SCP-122-2 has also been reported as sometimes appearing within the dreams of younger personnel, aged 20-25, affected by SCP-122. Based on reports, it has been associated with positive feelings such as that of security and relief, though these sightings do not share the "progression" of distance and positive feelings reported by SCP-122-1. From this association, it can be inferred that SCP-122-2 is related in some part to the aforementioned positive effects.

Since the beginning of SCP-122’s use in supplementing psychological assistance efforts in Site-135, annual personnel turnover rates have been reduced by 90 percent, with annual personnel suicide rates being reduced by 85 percent. With Site-135 having recorded the highest instances of either statistic of all sites prior to the use of SCP-122, the object has been integral to the continued operation of the site.

Excerpts of SCP-122 Use Records

Date of Use: 2/12/2017
SCP-122-2 Activity: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Incident Notes: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Positive effects of SCP-122 noted. Electronic failsafe systems implemented soon after.

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 2 years old
Date of Use: 3/01/2017
SCP-122-2 Activity: None.
Incident Notes: No instances of flickering or dimming. SCP-122-1 was noted to be sleeping without incident.

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 3 years old
Date of Use: 4/28/2018
SCP-122-2 Activity Description (by SCP-122-1): “God said he'd give me a guardian angel. And he did! Last night, there was a beautiful angel with wings and he was standing there, and he was looking at me… by the door! He did that alllll night!”
Incident Notes: One instance of dimming.

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 5 years old
Date of Use: 6/26/2020
SCP-122-2 Activity Description (by SCP-122-1): “I saw the angel again today! He was at the end of my bed, and he was looking at me with a big smile on his face. His wings were… (stretches arms out) this big! I never realized they were that big before!”
Incident Notes: Two instances of dimming, one instance of flickering.

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 7 years old
Date of Use: 9/15/2022
SCP-122-2 Activity Description (by SCP-122-1): “He sat in front of me, just looking at me and watching me sleep. He looked like he wanted to hug me, and I wanted to hug him too!”
Incident Notes: Four instances of flickering.

SCP-122’s components have degraded in the time since its creation, with materials that could be used to replace them no longer being manufactured in the present. This degradation renders SCP-122 vulnerable to fluctuations in its brightness, with flickering and dimming being reported to be the most frequent fluctuations. This causes SCP-122 to assume an unpowered state.

When in an unpowered state, SCP-122 [REDACTED].




Please input security credentials.

[a keycard being inserted into a card reader…]

Access granted.

Declassified SCP-122 Use Records (Updated)

SCP-122-1 Name: Janna Marston
Age: 6 years old
Date of Use: 2/12/2017
SCP-122-2 Activity Description (by SCP-122 observation technician): “Had a blackout. He got her on the first night.”
Incident Notes: Janna Marston lost. Proposal for new SCP-122-1 subject made. Positive effects of SCP-122 noted. Electronic failsafe systems implemented soon after.

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 2 years old
Date of Use: 3/01/2017
SCP-122-2 Activity: None.
Incident Notes: No instances of flickering or dimming. SCP-122-1 was noted to be sleeping without incident.
SCP-122-2 Distance: Undetected.
Image of Greatest Activity: [
Attached image shows camera view from head of SCP-122-1’s bed, looking down to the end of the bed and into the room. Nothing of note can be seen.]

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 3 years old
Date of Use: 4/28/2018
SCP-122-2 Activity Description (by SCP-122-1): “God said he'd give me a guardian angel. And he did! Last night, there was a beautiful angel with wings and he was standing there, and he was looking at me… by the door! He did that alllll night!”
Incident Notes: One instance of dimming.
SCP-122-2 Distance: 6 meters
Image of Greatest Activity: [Attached image shows same camera view. The silhouette of a gaunt, strangely proportioned humanoid figure with two boney appendages sprouting from its back, can be seen standing in the corner of the room by the door.]

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 5 years old
Date of Use: 6/26/2020
SCP-122-2 Activity Description (by SCP-122-1): “I saw the angel again today! He was at the end of my bed, and he was looking at me with a big smile on his face. His wings were… (stretches arms out) this big! I never realized they were that big before!”
Incident Notes: Two instances of dimming, one instance of flickering.
SCP-122-2 Distance: 2 meters
Image of Greatest Activity: [
Attached image shows same camera view. The dark figure from previous image leans over the end of the bed. It grasps the end of the bed with its right hand and reaches toward SCP-122-1 with the other.]

SCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn
Age: 7 years old
Date of Use: 9/15/2022
SCP-122-2 Activity Description (by SCP-122-1): “He sat in front of me, just looking at me and watching me sleep. He looked like he wanted to hug me, and I wanted to hug him too!"
Incident Notes: Four instances of flickering.
SCP-122-2 Distance: 6 centimeters
Image of Greatest Activity: [
Attached image shows same camera view. The dark figure from previous images fills the frame. Outline of silhouette at this distance is rough and irregular, suggestive of mangled flesh hanging off bone. Two eyes are clearly seen staring out from silhouette. It is seated on the bed, seeming to gaze directly into the camera lens.]

EMERGENCY ALERT from [DATE REDACTED]: Site-wide blackout detected. CHECK SCP-122 STATUS ASAP.

LAST IMAGE RECOVERED FROM SCP-122 CONTAINMENT CHAMBER: [Attached image shows a piece of paper held to the camera. Scrawled across it in a child’s handwriting is the phrase, “HE TELLS ME TO PRAY.”]

[the keycard being removed…]



SCP-123 - Contained Miniature Black Hole


SCP-121 - Concrete Cradle