SCP-114 - Bringer of Conflict



The voice of the Database was provided by Joshua Alan Lindsay.
The voice of the Soldier was provided by Leo Grinberg.
The voice of the Interpreter was provided by Christian Jasper.

Item #: SCP-114

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-114 is kept in a 10 m3 standard concrete humanoid containment cell at Site-17. The cell is positioned at the bottom of a 40 m shaft to prevent staff members from coming into the proximity of SCP-114. The cell is accessible by a staircase restricted to emergency use only. Daily rations are provided to SCP-114 three times a day by means of a dumbwaiter. SCP-114 is also permitted to submit written requests to attending staff by the same means. To date, SCP-114 has been granted one Qur’an (Arabic), one prayer rug, and one blank journal with pens.

Research on SCP-114 is suspended until further notice. Elimination of SCP-114 is acceptable in the event of a multiple containment-breach crisis.

Description: SCP-114 is a Pashtun woman of Afghani origin, approximately 40 years old and 160 cm tall. SCP-114 has the involuntary effect of fostering and escalating violent conflict between all individuals in her proximity. Subjects within ten to fifteen meters of SCP-114 become inconsolably aggressive at trivialities or points of little consequence, often to the degree of projecting hostile motives on others. Arguments generally arise between individuals after one to three minutes of exposure to SCP-114. The resulting arguments turn to violence in all cases.

Notably, persons affected by the presence of SCP-114 will never exhibit hostility towards SCP-114 or attempt to inflict harm upon her. Subjects ordered to deliberately injure SCP-114 find themselves unable to do so. For relevant information, see Experiment Log 114-A.

Communication with SCP-114 has only been possible through written notes or electronic means. Researchers have gleaned that SCP-114 is unaware of her effect on other people. She shows little to no response to exposure to violence, and seems to be under the impression that human beings are naturally aggressively hostile to each other.

SCP-114 is consistently unresponsive and uncooperative with researchers, and appears to be acutely wary of human interaction. Due to the difficulty of communication with SCP-114, psychological evaluations have been speculative at best. Rudimentary assessments strongly suggest psychological trauma – combat stress reaction and/or compassion fatigue have been tentatively proposed.

Document 114-a-898-12:

Abridged eyewitness report from ████████ ██████████, a former soldier in the 40th Red Army, interviewed March 23, 1991. Interview has since been dubbed in English.


We took [REDACTED] on February the first, 1980. It was a shit little village, but the Mujahideen put up a damn good fight. Eight of our men killed, fifteen wounded. One tank destroyed. It was dead cold, too. You think the Middle East is warm, but you go to the mountains in February, it is not so. Anyway, we were mopping up the area, going through the huts, looking for weapons caches and the like. It seemed like every doorstep had some old lady clutching our knees and weeping and tearing at her hair. But at the end of the street was this one big hut, no old lady outside. Only there were trays of food left out before the door, like an offering.

(████████ pauses for several seconds)

So six of us go in to search. It was empty inside, dusty, and practically bare. Like no one had been in there in a long time. But suddenly, we hear this soft whimpering over in the corner. I look, and there’s a little girl, must be eight or nine, curled up and all alone. Pyotr… he was a big softie… he goes over, he bends down, puts out his hands, says, “Come on, little one, it’s okay, we won’t hurt you.” But the girl won’t budge. Then Pyotr stands up, all stiffly, and looks back at us funny. Konstantin walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder, tells him to leave the girl alone, laughing goodnaturedly. Pyotr gets all red-faced, like he’s had a full bottle, and shouts “Get your damn hand off my shoulder!” or something of the sort. He looks like a wild animal. Of course, we’re all confused. And suddenly they are on the ground, and Pyotr is bashing Konstantin’s face in with the butt of his rifle, screaming and screaming. It took three of us to pull him off. By then Konstantin was dead.



Experiment Log 114-A:

Experiments were performed between ██/██/██ and ██/██/██. SCP-114 was placed in a test room with distancing protocols similar to her containment cell. Attending researchers observed through remote electronic means.

Experiment 114-A-1
Procedure: Subjects D-1269 and D-8543 were placed in the test room with SCP-114. No instructions were given.
Results: Subjects did not attempt to interact with SCP-114. After 75 seconds of exposure, D-8543 verbally requested a cigarette from D-1269. D-1269 responded with negative. D-8543 proceeded to shove D-1269 against the wall of the test room. Subjects began fighting with apparent intent to kill. Subjects ignored verbal entreaties to cease. Subjects terminated. Throughout the experiment, SCP-114 watched the proceedings but was visibly unmoved.

Experiment 114-A-2
Procedure: Subjects D-5410 and D-5699 were placed in the test room with SCP-114. A plastic screen was placed across the length of the test room so that subjects were unaware of the presence of SCP-114.
Results: Comparable to experiment 114-A-1. Subjects terminated.

Experiment 114-A-3
Procedure: Subject D-1002 was given a carving knife, stainless steel, 15 cm. Subject was placed in the test room with SCP-114 with orders to kill her.
Results: D-1002 immediately rushed at SCP-114. SCP-114 recoiled, screaming. D-1002 stopped abruptly at approximately half a meter from SCP-114 and dropped the knife. D-1002 stood still for four minutes, growing visibly agitated. At five minutes, D-1002 began yelling incomprehensibly and moving around the room in an unnatural apelike fashion. After eight minutes, D-1002 began banging on the walls with his head and fists. Subject was rendered unconscious. Subject terminated.

Experiment 114-A-4
Procedure: Subject D-4343 was placed in the test room with SCP-114 with orders to remain still. After four minutes, subject was forcibly removed from the room by robotic means.
Results: Subject showed signs of aggression and agitation comparable to experiment 114-A-3. Heart rate was recorded at 210 bpm. Blood tests revealed levels of cortisol and adrenaline impossible without the application of drugs. Subject returned to a normal physical and mental state after approximately fifteen hours.

Experiment 114-A-5
Procedure: Subject D-7258, a native Afghan, was administered a dilute mixture of mild sedatives, anti-depressants, tetrahydrocannabinol, alpha blockers, and beta blockers intravenously. Subject was placed in the test room with SCP-114 and ordered to attempt normal conversation.
Results: D-7258 addressed SCP-114. SCP-114 maintained eye contact with D-7258, but did not respond. After 45 seconds, D-7258 began shivering and shouting. At one and a half minutes after exposure, D-7258 fell to the floor in convulsions. Subject expired after three minutes. Autopsy of the cadaver revealed massive cerebral hemorrhage.



JJJ-JJJJ-J - JIt’s Ja Joke


SCP Tales, Episode 11 - “Fernand’s Memoir” [SCP-082]